
Webmock stub downloading file

Contribute to LBHackney-IT/repairs-management development by creating an account on GitHub. We’ll use Webmock, a gem which helps to stub out external HTTP requests. In this example we’ll search the GitHub API for contributors to the FactoryGirl repository. I have been integrating with outside services recently and decided to use webmock to stub the requests. Instead of creating a bunch of stub_request for each section of the service you want to stub, you can just stub the entire domain to a… Webmock is a “library for stubbing and setting expectations on HTTP requests in Ruby”. It allows us to stub HTTP requests and to set and verify expectations on any HTTP requests. Code to go along with a Pacto tutorial. Contribute to maxlinc/pacto-tutorial development by creating an account on GitHub.

We’ll use Webmock, a gem which helps to stub out external HTTP requests. In this example we’ll search the GitHub API for contributors to the FactoryGirl repository.

A flexible lims extension of the old app. Contribute to sanger/limber development by creating an account on GitHub. About a year ago, when I first discovered and started using VCR to stub the external API calls being made during the run of an RSpec test suite, I thought all my testing woes were over. Libraries like webmock, vcr and artifice give you all the tools you need to ensure that you’re sending the right requests to the right remote endpoints. The very very short version is: webmockr helps you stub HTTP requests so you don't have to repeat yourself. Tag all ActiveRecord and HTTP traffic with a request ID - bobf/request_tagger

Contribute to LBHackney-IT/repairs-management development by creating an account on GitHub.

I have been integrating with outside services recently and decided to use webmock to stub the requests. Instead of creating a bunch of stub_request for each section of the service you want to stub, you can just stub the entire domain to a… Webmock is a “library for stubbing and setting expectations on HTTP requests in Ruby”. It allows us to stub HTTP requests and to set and verify expectations on any HTTP requests. Code to go along with a Pacto tutorial. Contribute to maxlinc/pacto-tutorial development by creating an account on GitHub. Record your test suite's HTTP interactions and replay them during future test runs for fast, deterministic, accurate tests. - vcr/vcr

Service stub for the Heroku API. Contribute to heroku/heroku-api-stub development by creating an account on GitHub.

Server automation framework and application. Contribute to puppetlabs/puppet development by creating an account on GitHub. Knapsack Pro gem splits tests across parallel CI nodes and makes sure that tests will run in optimal time on each node. - KnapsackPro/knapsack_pro-ruby The programmable mock proxy. Contribute to jondot/moxy development by creating an account on GitHub. # spec/shakespeare_analyzer_spec.rb require 'spec_helper' require 'shakespeare_analyzer' describe ShakespeareAnalyzer do describe '#initialize' do it 'reads provided URI and stores its content to @file_content' do stub_request ( :get , …

Record your test suite's HTTP interactions and replay them during future test runs for fast, deterministic, accurate tests. - vcr/vcr require 'cucumber/rails ' require 'cucoo/rails ' ActionController:: Base.allow_rescue = false require File.expand_path( '../config/environment ', __FILE__) Capybara.default_driver = :selenium Cucumber:: Rails:: Database.javascript_strategy …

Tag all ActiveRecord and HTTP traffic with a request ID - bobf/request_tagger

Libraries like webmock, vcr and artifice give you all the tools you need to ensure that you’re sending the right requests to the right remote endpoints. The very very short version is: webmockr helps you stub HTTP requests so you don't have to repeat yourself.